Full Body Reboot
30 Days of Clean-Eating with DR. SHAWNTE YATEs
Are you ready for a change? Do you want to kick your sugar cravings, boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and live without pain? Now's the time! Join the Total Body Reboot Program to get all the tools you need to make those dietary and lifestyle changes you've been struggling with.
Changing your diet can be challenging and confusing. A quick search online will provide you with hundreds of opinions on the healthiest diets and foods. This is overwhelming for most people and leads to frustration and often causes people to "give up" on their plans for eating healthier. Through her work with hundreds of patients and 7+ years of teaching healthy eating classes, Dr. Yates designed the Spring Reboot Program to take the confusion and frustration out of clean eating. In just 30 days you'll create BIG changes in your health and have the tools necessary to make these changes permanent and practical. Keep reading to learn what the program includes.
What to expect from THE full body REBOOT PROGRAM:
- A reset for your metabolism and food cravings to aid weight loss without feeling deprived or counting calories
- Improved energy and mental clarity
- Improved sleep
- Clearer skin
- A healthier immune system
- Improved digestion with decreased digestive symptoms including gas, bloating, and constipation
- Decreased inflammation and as a result, many experience a decrease in body pain
- Aid the body in clearing away toxins and inflammation
- Release your mind and body from old patterns of eating
- An understanding of nutrient dense, nourishing foods that are right for you
- Find out (with help) what is holding you back in your road to wellness
- Feeling healthier than ever!
full body Reboot class Dates and Times:
GROUP CLASS 1: Saturday, 03/28/2015 at 3:00 PM; this will give you time to shop and prepare for our start date of 04/01/2015
30 DAYS OF CLEAN EATING will begin 04/01/2015 and last until 04/30/2015
GROUP CLASS 2: Saturday, 04/11/2015 at 3:00 PM
GROUP CLASS 3: Saturday, 04/18/2015 at 3:00 PM
ONE ON ONE consults will be scheduled at the convenience of the participant.
What you get with the full body Reboot Program:
- Three 90 minute face to face group sessions with Dr. Yates where you will learn about the program, discuss meal planning and prep, learn about how the foods you eat impact every aspect of your health, tips about self-care and much more ($600 value).
- Two face to face private consultations with Dr. Yates at the beginning of the program and again near the end to discuss your specific health needs and obstacles to change including a nutritional physical and Chinese medicine assessment ($300 value).
- A 120 page resource guide including 60+ delicious recipes to keep you on track and provide you with the information you need to reboot your health ($50 value).
- Weekly meal plans and shopping guides ($25 value).
- Customized nutrition suggestions and support along with a personalized list of herbs and supplements that can support you during the Spring Reboot program (valued at $100).
- A Private Facebook Group where the program participants can discuss progress, share recipes, and ask questions.
- Unlimited emails to Dr. Yates with any questions during the program (valued at $100).
The total value of the program is over $1100 and if you sign up before 03/20/2015 You'll get the following bonuses:
- A personalized herbal formula to aid detoxification and support your health goals during the program (valued at $25)
- 10% off of professional grade supplements and herbs recommended to you during the program if you choose to purchase them.
plus, You'll have all the support you need to make this a success!
As you may know private one-on-one work with a naturopathic doctor is much more expensive than the price point that is being offered for the Full Body Reboot program. Dr. Yates is committed to keeping her classes as affordable as possible to help facilitate change for as many people as she can. By working with groups, she is able to make health information accessible to more patients. A $50 deposit is due at the time of enrollment in the program to hold your space; the remaining $299 is due during class one on 03/28/2015.
What people are saying about the full body reboot:
I've tried to start a healthy eating program by myself dozens of times but I can only last a week or two until I give into a food craving. With this program, I never felt hungry or deprived and the recipes were delicious! Working with a group gave me motivation to keep going. I'm nearing the end of the 30 days and I don't plan to change the way I'm eating even when the program is over! Also, I lost weight without even trying. - A. R.
Dr. Yates provides continual support, encouragement, and helpful recommendations during the classes and individual calls and consultations. And with a notebook filled with helpful information and delicious recipes, you will learn all about preparing nutritious foods and living a healthy lifestyle that you can continue after you finish the class. - K. N.
By doing this program I feel that I have more stamina and more mental clarity. I did not realize how much I was dependent on carbohydrates to get through the day. I still have sugar cravings, but they are more manageable. - A. V.
HOW DO I KNOW IF THE full body reboot program IS right FOR ME?
- You'd like to feel healthier and lose weight but you don't know where to start.
- You experience cravings you can't control.
- You're tired most of the time, have difficulty waking up in the morning, or "hit a wall" in the afternoon.
- You don't fall asleep easily or stay asleep all night.
- You reach for caffeine and sugar for pick-me-ups.
- You’re bloated, gassy, or have frequent digestive problems.
- You’re looking for a reset button for your health.
- You want to eat healthier foods, but don't know how to make this change.
What makes this program different from others?
his is a physician designed program that targets the underlying physiology of the body.
Dr. Yates has led cooking and healthy living classes for the past 7 years and understands the hurdles you might be facing. Plus, she loves to cook nutrient-dense, whole foods recipes.
We’ve covered the basis to make this manageable so you get to focus on yourself and making healthy choices. Motivation, accountability, community and support are included.
- The course is designed to help you to incorporate these changes into your life on an on-going basis.
- You receive personalized support that is just right for your body.
LOCATION: Classes for the Full Body Reboot Program will be held at Essential Family Medicine - 1110 SE Alder St - Suite 201 - Portland, OR 97214.
Don't live in the area? No problem! You can Skype into all lectures and one on one support can be provided over the phone.
To sign up click here or email Dr. Yates at drshawnteyates.com or call 360-448-3969. You may also email or call if you have any questions about the program!
I look forward to working with you!